Our Trainings
We provide training solutions to help schools become safer, more effective learning environments and a great place to work and grow.
Training That Makes A Difference
Since 1983, McGrath Training Solutions has been educating school personnel in legally fit and educationally sound approaches to manage their compliance risks and make schools safer and more effective.
Our programs go beyond the minimum legal duty, inspiring participants to bring forth their personal best and contribute to creating safe, responsive environments essential for the work of education.
Upcoming Trainings
We offer trainings across the US and Canada. View more of our upcoming courses or contact us to schedule a training near you.
We offer two systems to shield your organization and the individuals it serves from harm and liability.
Meet Title IX Regulations
2020 Title IX regulations require 8-hours of training for your designated leaders (coordinators, investigators, etc) and awareness training for your school employees.
2024 Title IX regulations require training for your designated leaders (coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, appeals officers, informal resolution facilitators) prior to engaging in this work and annual awareness training for ALL school employees.
Our comprehensive McGrath Response System™ addresses all Title IX requirements. 

We provide frameworks, forms, and checklists – all with layman terminology that’s easy to use. Even better, the same McGrath Response System™ that addresses Title IX also handles harassment, bullying and discrimination so your staff does not have to juggle different approaches or tools.
Certification Programs
At McGrath, we understand that building an internal team of certified trainers can be a cost-effective and strategically advantageous option for many school districts. We offer local certified instructor programs for both our McGrath Response System™ and SUCCEED with TRUE-SPEAK™ programs.