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Writer's pictureDr. Billie-Jo Grant, Ph.D.

Title IX: What You Need to Know for Next School Year

Understanding Title IX and Its Importance in Education

Title IX, a federal law enacted in 1972, plays a crucial role in ensuring equal opportunity and prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in education. It has been instrumental in protecting the rights of students, faculty, and staff across educational institutions in the United States.

The significance of Title IX cannot be understated. It has not only paved the way for equal access to educational opportunities, but also addresses issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Through its implementation, Title IX seeks to create a safe environment for all individuals involved in educational settings.

Over the years, Title IX has faced numerous legal challenges that have shaped its interpretation and application. Notably, landmark Supreme Court decisions have played a pivotal role in defining the scope of Title IX's protections. Additionally, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), within the U.S. Department of Education has been entrusted with enforcing compliance with Title IX regulations. The upcoming school year will bring significant updates and changes to Title IX regulations. It is essential for students, parents, educators, and administrators alike to familiarize themselves with these updates as they navigate the upcoming school year.

The Basics of Title IX: Key Provisions and Protections

Title IX is a crucial federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational institutions that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, educational institutions are required to provide equal opportunities for both male and female students. This includes prohibiting discrimination based on factors such as sexual orientation and gender identity. The law covers a wide range of areas, including admissions, athletics, financial aid, counseling services, and more. The Department of Education has also issued guidance clarifying that Title IX does apply to online harassment and that schools have a responsibility to take steps to prevent and address it. This guidance was issued in response to the case of Hannah Smith, a 14-year-old girl who committed suicide in 2013 after being subjected to cyberbullying and sexual harassment on social media. Title IX provides key provisions and protections to ensure equal opportunities for all individuals in educational settings. These include:

1. Prohibition of Discrimination: Title IX mandates that no person shall be excluded from participation, denied benefits, or subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal funding.

2. Sexual Harassment: Title IX protects students and employees from sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile environment or interferes with an individual's educational or work performance.

3. Filing a Complaint: Individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination, including sexual harassment or assault, can file a complaint with their school's Title IX coordinator or directly with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

4. Supreme Court Rulings: Over the years, several Supreme Court rulings have clarified and expanded the scope of Title IX protections, ensuring that it covers discrimination based on sexual orientation as well.

Schools' Obligations: How Educational Institutions Can Ensure Compliance with Title IX

To uphold their obligations under Title IX, schools must create and implement policies that clearly state their commitment to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students. They should establish procedures for reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment and provide accessible channels for individuals to file complaints.

Training is an essential part of maintaining compliance with Title IX. Schools should provide training to staff on Title IX policies and procedures, as well as on how to prevent and address sexual harassment and discrimination. The Title IX Legal Manual which is available on the U.S. Department of Justice’s website provides excellent resources and information for schools.

Some important things to remember for the upcoming school year:

  1. Schools must review their policies and procedures and make sure their definitions and grievance procedures are compliant with current Title IX regulations.

  2. Schools should train all school employees, provide age-appropriate training for students, and provide resources to parents regarding Title IX definitions and grievance procedures.

  3. Schools must respond promptly and effectively to all gender-based concerns, complaints, and rumors.

  4. Schools must provide supportive measures to both parties.

  5. Schools must conduct adequate, reliable, and impartial investigations. All investigations must be conducted by a conflict-free, trained investigator.

  6. Schools must provide remedies as necessary to ensure a safe educational environment for all students and staff.

Updates and Changes to Title IX Regulations for the Upcoming School Year

The Department of Education has announced that it will be releasing new Title IX regulations in October 2023. These regulations are expected to make significant changes to the way that Title IX is enforced, including:

  • Redefining Sexual Harassment: The new regulations are expected to redefine sexual harassment to include a broader range of conduct, such as "non-consensual touching" and "unwelcome sexual advances."

  • Weakening Due Process Rights: The new regulations are also expected to weaken due process rights. Schools no longer need to provide hearings for accused students to cross-examine their accusers. Educational institutions may again use a "single-investigator model," where an administrator questions various parties privately and reaches a conclusion. Investigators may engage in "individual meetings with the parties" where the parties never interact or question one another.

  • Requiring Schools to Report Data: The new regulations will also require schools to report data on sexual violence and sexual harassment, which will help to track the prevalence of these issues and identify areas of concern.

These are just some of the changes that are expected to be made to Title IX regulations in the upcoming school year. The impact of these updates on schools and colleges is expected to be substantial. Institutions will need to review their policies and procedures relating to Title IX compliance to align with the updated regulations. Until the new regulations are released, schools should continue to operate under the 2020 regulations.

Comparison of 2020 and 2023 Title IX Regulations

The following table compares the key provisions of the 2020 and 2023 Title IX regulations:

Impact of the New Title IX Regulations

The new Title IX regulations are expected to have a significant impact on students, staff, and institutions. For students, the new regulations could mean that they are more likely to be protected from sexual harassment and discrimination. The regulations also require schools to provide more information about their Title IX policies and procedures, which could make it easier for students to file complaints. For staff, the new regulations could mean that they have more responsibility to report incidents of sexual harassment and discrimination. They may also need to undergo additional training on Title IX compliance.

For institutions, the new regulations could mean that they need to make changes to their policies and procedures. They may also need to provide more resources for students and staff who have been affected by sexual harassment or discrimination. McGrath Training Solutions offers a variety of training programs that can help your school comply with Title IX. Our programs are designed to help staff understand their responsibilities under Title IX and to provide them with the skills they need to prevent and address sexual harassment and discrimination.

The impact of the new Title IX regulations is still being debated, but it is clear that they will have a significant impact on all stakeholders in the educational community.

Navigating Title IX Challenges: Common Questions and Concerns Addressed

  1. How does someone file a complaint under Title IX? Filing a complaint under Title IX can be done through various channels. One option is to file a complaint with the educational institution's Title IX coordinator or office. They will guide the victim through the process and ensure that the complaint is properly addressed. Additionally, complaints can also be filed with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which investigates complaints related to Title IX violations.

  2. Is Title IX only applicable to educational institutions? Title IX applies not only to educational institutions but to any recipient of federal financial assistance that operates an education program or activity. This includes colleges, universities, K-12 schools, vocational schools, and more.

  3. When can we expect new Title IX regulations? The Department of Education has updated its Spring Unified Agenda to now reflect an anticipated date of October 2023 for the final Title IX rule. In addition, the Department is updating its Spring Unified Agenda to reflect an anticipated date of October 2023 for its proposed Athletics regulation.

  4. Are there training programs available to ensure compliance with Title IX? Yes! New Title IX Regulations require 8 hours of training for your designated leaders and awareness training for your school employees. McGrath Training Solutions’ updated and expanded compliance programs are fully compliant with the new regulations and can be offered virtually with course analytics to track program completion.


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